18-21 November @ TU Delft. Organised by VvTP
Mon 18 Nov, 12:45-13:30 – Mooijzaal, building 22
Lieven Vandersypen (Leuven, Belgium, 1972) studied Mechanical Engineering at the KU Leuven and received a MSc and PhD in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. He then moved to TU Delft, first as a postdoc and since 2006 as Antoni van Leeuwenhoek professor.
He is a world-wide renowned pioneer on the subject quantum computing. In his PhD research he proved that qubits not only work theoretically, but also in real life.
As of today, Lieven has been Director Research at QuTech for more than 4 years, an organization which he has helped start up from the ground. He also is one of the founders of the project Quantum Inspire. It is the first European online quantum computer that can control two qubits, all from your home In his lecture he will be talking about the recent breakthroughs in his current research at QuTech.
Tue 19 Nov, 12:45-13:30 – Mooijzaal, building 22
Mott MacDonald is a leading global engineering, management, and development consultancy. The firm specialises in infrastructure megaprojects.
In this lecture it will be showcased how Mott MacDonald uses the fundamental principles we study in physics and how they are applied to real life project. Mott MacDonald will talk about Nuclear Science, from the basics up to busting myths
Wed 20 Nov, 12:45-13:30 – Mooijzaal, building 22
Marileen Dogterom is one of the most important faces of biophysics in the Netherland. After a master in Theoretical Physics in Groningen, she achieved a doctorate in Biophysics in Paris.
She is a professor of Physics in Leiden and Delft. Furthermore, she has been president of the KNAW (Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen) since 2022, has been interim dean of the Applied Sciences Faculty in Delft, and was a department head for AMOLF for 11 years. She has worked with Stanford, Harvard and the Max Planck institute. Also, she is a member of EMBO, the most import European Organisation of Life Scientists and has received the prestigious Synergy Grant with Anna Akhmanova.
Right now, she is working as group leader on a project that researches a quantitative understanding of the physics behind the assembly, force generation and organization of cytoskeletal polymers, which she will talk about in the lecture.
Wed 20 Nov, 17:30-18:15 – TPKV, building 22
Any bachelor student of Applied Physics at the TU Delft has at one point or another had the pleasure of witnessing Ron Haaksman performing amazing physics experiments. Over the course of the bachelor curriculum, Ron regularly performs insightful and interesting experiments that demonstrate the theory the students are dealing with.
Ron has a history at TNO, Pfizer and SRON before he joined the TU Delft, where he worked on experimental research.
Thu 21 Nov, 12:45-13:30 – Mooijzaal, building 22
After Completing his Master of Science in Astronomy and Astrophysics in Groningen and his doctorate at the UvA, Bastiaan worked at the University of Columbia from 2007 until 2021. Not only did Bastiaan work at the University of Columbia, he also worked for NASA during this time period.
Today, he works for SRON, the Dutch expertise institute for space research. The institute develops and uses innovative technology for groundbreaking research in space, focusing on astrophysical research, climate science and planetary research.
Bastiaan will speak about how observing the Earth in multi-color, at many simultaneous view angles and through polarization filters opens up a wealth of information about how tiny aerosol particles and cloud droplets affect our climate and vice versa. The Dutch SPEXone instrument launch earlier this year on NASA’s PACE mission does just that.
Thu 21 Nov, 19:30-21:00 – Senaatzaal, Aula
All the way from Sweden, Giovanna is the Director of Research at the European Spallation Source (ESS). The ESS is an under construction science project that will help us understand more about basic atomic structures and forces.
The ESS will be a vital source of neutrons and accompanying instruments for conducting groundbreaking research.
This lecture will be accompanied by drinks afterwards. The drinks will last until 21:45.
Pick one of the options below to sign up for the Symposium. If you are a VvTP member, you can sign up through the VvTP site. Otherwise, please use the form.
You only need one ticket to enter all symposium events.
For the Thursday evening seminar we are facilitating a dinner for participants beforehand. If you wish to participate, place your order here. The food will be ready at 18:00 in the V-Hall of building 22.
Do you wish to contact us about any inquiries or questions?
Feel free to reach us at symposium@vvtp.nl!